

Naruto/Boruto. I also like Baseball & Football #RepBX #TogetherBlue

フォロー数:1481 フォロワー数:8971

If you believe this, stop debating.

17 110

Don’t usually do vs battles but I thought this would be a good female battle!! Who y’all got

Kaguya vs delta ?!

9 53

Idk how anyone can watch the boruto anime and honestly say it’s shit writing, action fine I’ll concede that point although there’s been dozens of fights so far but it’ll come more and more... but to say the writing is bad just makes you look ignorant and uneducated.

1 18

To all who don’t like me 😎

0 6

But the first sharingon came from a sad Hagaromo whom had the byukugon already.

0 1

The KK vs jigen fight isn’t intended for jigen to fall. It’s for naruto and sasuke to analyze jigens fighting style so they can come up with a solution to take him down.

5 35

My vote for the 8th hokage.

0 16