

Naruto/Boruto. I also like Baseball & Football #RepBX #TogetherBlue

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# boruto

WHO IS THIS GUY?!?! He’s defiantly a power house but I have no idea what roll he’ll play, we saw him come to Guts in the woods. I wonder if him and Guts become homies! 🤔

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Araumi going to see his frozen wife really was a well done scene and looked amazing too! 🌊

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Boruto episode 250 was a beautiful episode!! It looked great, felt great, it made you realize that there’s always two sides to a story. It made pains speech shine bright which I think we’ll be saying that a lot in Boruto! We need Boruto to say “do you hate me now?” 💯

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Haha smart move! Just grow his fist large enough to hit them all 👊🏽

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Oh so Kawaki can use those chakra blast in the shape of his ninja tech spikes, that’s a awesome ability!! 🔴

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For Kagura… Bitch!! 🫡

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My favorite…

Anime character: Sasuke
Comic Book Character: Thor
TMNT character: Raphael
Star Wars Character: Obi-Wan

Let me know yours!

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I’m not going to lie this scene at the end was crazy, Tenma never stood a chance against Chojuro let’s be real. Then they decided to literally rain down arrows on top of the Funato!! 🌊

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If Ada does side with the leaf, I wonder if Daemon will too! Splitting up the siblings would be a neutralizer for Code in the future.

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