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Hoy termine una pequeña comisión UwU 🌸🌸🍥 la chica que me lo pidió es realmente muy amable.

Me dio su referencia y trate de hacerlo a mi estilo.🌸

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Mi momento a llegado jaja tu arte es hermoso 🌸🌸🌸

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good luck everyone and thanks for the opportunity ^^ your art is beautiful haha I don't know if I should put my oc but I'll leave it the same 🌸🖤

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Thank you very much for the opportunity, I found them very adorable 💕🌸

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🌸 hay un gran cambio UwU se ve muy linda🌸

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I hope I can still participate :"( haha they look so adorable to me 🌸🌸🌸 thank you very much for this opportunity

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your art is very beautiful, thanks for the opportunity and good luck to all ^^ 🌸

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