

Trishna (or simply Trish) | German | GER / EN / FR/ ES / シンプルな日本語 OK | Aro/ace | She/her | Hobby artist | Avatar by @nijarpk

フォロー数:490 フォロワー数:98

So I saw some ppl do this and I wanted to join in!
My three favorite cards of my fou- five favorite Bandori girls!
1. Sakura Lisa!! I'm so happy I got this card on EN!!
2. Lisa also looks great in blue!
3. The lighting makes this one for me! And how happe she looks!

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And the last member of Jack: Nadia! She’s the one who plays several brass instruments for the band. She’s a foodie by heart and loves cooking, so she’s usually the one in charge of bringing lunch to rehearsals. It’s sometimes hard to tell if she’s joking or not.

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Here’s Alice, the band’s bassist! She’s a big fan of nature and fairytales, to the point that her fellow band mates tend to joke about her turning into a fairytale grandma living in the woods when she’s old. She can get a bit bossy at times though.

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And with this I have finally completed all the Bandori requests o/

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reply & i'll give you 4 series to name your favs from!

I got: Tadashi's Persona games, Ace Attorney, my least favorite PreCure season and Pokémon sans Alola

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I got:
- Danganronpa
- Garupa
- Love Life!
- Pokémon

(Feel free to) reply with 🌺 and I’ll give you 4 shows to show off your favorite characters from!

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And here’s the bassist of my OC-Band YOSORA, Shiori Fuse!
People usually peg her as an aloof beauty when she’s actually pretty friendly and outgoing. Though she does usually end up being the voice of reason when Rio… does Rio-things again

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Oh hey I remembered my Bandori OCs
This is OtoRin, as her friends call her, the singer of Yosora. Rin is her stage name since she’s going for a princely persona on stage and Otome is not really a fitting name for that in her opinion

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I’m pretty sure the outlines for this are from about a year ago
Why Sonia with a braid? I dunno

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