Claw Gamer 97さんのプロフィール画像

Claw Gamer 97さんのイラストまとめ

Bi/Poly | He/Him | Artist | Gamer | Music-maker | Will Do Requests (DM Please) | Great guy | Discord; Charles97 @RealClaw97 Vent/priv acc

フォロー数:2065 フォロワー数:413

I hope everything is going ok for you, and if not here’s some positive vibes! And if that doesn’t work, here’s a hug!

Everything’s gonna be ok, alright? And if it doesn’t look that way, just know that we’re here whenever you need someone to talk to!

Try to have a nice day, ok?

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Robos, huh? Well alrighty then!


In order; (Scramble, Kevin, Steamer, BlueJacket)

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Made a sort-of "Confronting Yourself" art piece using Kevin and another bot of mine, Annihilat-A-Tron.

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🤖; “Are you done..? can I go home now?”

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Not doing too good? It’s alright, we all have those days. What’s important is know that the feeling will pass. And things will get better.

You are wonderful and if you’re not feeling too good, I hope this message will help!
I hope you’ll try to have a nice rest of your day!

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I have received a message from a certain bot; and in response; FANART SHALL BE MAAAAADE!!!!!

But in all seriousness, go follow
They're art is amazing!

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All da hugs!!! 🫂🫂🫂🫂

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Hey. It’s alright! Sometimes day-to-day is too much on your plate, and that’s ok!

If needed, take a step back, and try to work things out later.

You’ll get through this. I know you will.
Have a good, No, GREAT rest of your day!

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Went on a character creator today… yeah. I like this thing.

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I’m ok.. You not feeling it today?
Here. Have a hug 🫂

You’ll feel better before you know it.!
You have a great day now. Ok?

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