Professor Astro Catさんのプロフィール画像

Professor Astro Catさんのイラストまとめ

The smartest cat in the alley with a degree in just about every discipline under the sun!

フォロー数:186 フォロワー数:1895

Happy explorers! Did you hear about my latest book for young readers? I'm blasting through the history of Space Rockets with the help of my trusty team 🚀 It's out in the UK now, and coming to the US/Canada in September! 🙀

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Whoa, be careful, Gilbert! Bright lights and other strong sensory experiences tend to make us flinch like Martha here. This helps keep us away from danger!

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Viruses are truly incredible - we can't really call them "alive" as they don't reproduce without a host cell, but they also spread and mutate - how strange!

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What kinds of food are your favourite? Your tongue is covered in taste buds designed to help you distinguish between the different food types! Now, where's that tuna sandwich I made earlier...

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Can you spot Evie in amongst these bronchiole tubes? They are essential for bringing air into the lungs and form a sort of tree shape, hence their nickname, the bronchial tree! 🌳

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Your eyes are an amazing, strange place: they first 'see' images upside down, and it's up to your brain to correct them!

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We're half way through the week, explorers! I think we deserve a break, don't you? Luckily, we have all the chemicals and nutrients we need to refuel our bodies - they're in our food!

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Have you read my Human Body Odyssey? It's full of from a microscopic perspective!

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Did you know the smallest bones in your body can be found in your ear? These tiny ossicles are used to transmit sound from the outside world towards your brain!

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Time for some about This blue planet is home to very fast winds, and is so large we nicknamed it an 'ice giant' ✨🔵✨

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