

🏳️‍⚧️ A lost & determined puppy #ENVtuber #VStreamer
Variety Twitch Streamer║Amateur Artist & Model Maker║VR Enthusiast
#ProjektArtsu #NSFWArtsu

フォロー数:1137 フォロワー数:4492

Got this gift from !
Artist is

I love this so much! Thanks Maz, really enjoy the style & the work on the arm. I still haven't gotten a cookie yet but this shall suffice.

Go check out the artist and give them a commission!

6 36

Now excuse me as I go to sleep in embarrassment

0 12

Cause of

🐺Phone Wallpaper
—- Last song Listened
—- Last saved picture
🐺8 Cool people

Taggin friends I know who haven't been tagged and probably wouldn't mind

1 26

This week we're gonna continue XCOM & Smash and play a fun co-op with !

*Times have been adjusted to PST now but it should be @ 7:00PM UTC.

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There will be a VRC stream tomorrow at around 1AM UTC/5PM PST. Mostly a chill experimental stream to test out late afternoon.

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Kind of curious. Reply below on how you came to meet/follow me and optionally what made you stick around. I'd like to hear your stories!

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Bad news, may not be able to do today's stream cause Spectrum's having issues. Internet went out during the night and when it came back on my upload speed is basically nonexistent. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

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