

Made Where the Moon Goes at Night, Beetle Ninja, Karrion Killer, and the Bird Tapper games.
Currently working on Croak Crusader and GiggleForce.

フォロー数:181 フォロワー数:1596

Bird Tapper and the Great Krampusnacht Cleansing, and Tappy Tappy Boneyard are set to release on Pixel Day.
Massive thanks to all the friends who made it possible: and BobbyBurt!
Get ready!

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For this NES-esque project, I'm hand drawing most of the maps. I haven't really seen too many NES-based pixelart games do this before, so I'm excited to see the response.
Third image is VERY work-in-progress and might be significantly reworked in terms of art.

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Started on some interiors, and worked on the slums a little.

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Worked more on the underpass.
My friend provided the basic layout of the area, and I've been adding little details.

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A new area I worked on today. Not too much NPC behavior in this area yet, although I don't suspect there'll ever be any in this particular map.

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I bought a book called "Soviet Visuals" by Varia Bortsova recently, so I've been working on lots of improvements to signs and posters.

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Which of these colour schemes would you like on a Fulpware shirt? (Poll below)

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