

I post about Patlabor among other things

Private: @AV0_Peacemaker
Art: @bound_no
日本語は話せないし、日本に住んでいるわけでもないけれど、文化は楽しんでいる 機動警察パトレイバー」のファンです。…

フォロー数:418 フォロワー数:2636

Some of the WORST patlabor characters!

4 17

Me to myself after realizing how awesome and groundbreaking the final arc of my story is vs me actually taking the time to write everything up to that point

2 9

This is my prediction for Guel in WFM season 2

79 517

Barbatos Lupus Rex vs 1 billion crab men

1 20

SV-2: "Wheres our labor pilot?"

Noa Izumi:

96 294

X gives Zero some monster energy

7 17

Ron and Desiree delite for the first one for sure (art by lawy-chan on deviantart)

1 1