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Chu is the sound effect for a kiss😘

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Ahh yes the feeling I get before I believe I'm going to draw and then fail to do so (I did however do this today so I'm proud)

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"A storm before the calm" and "through trials and tribulation comes victory" its gonna be hard to not focus on the shitty things that happened, but try to weed out the good things that did. And you know you've always got your gorgeous friends to talk too😉💛.

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Hello! I dont have much to offer now but I will in this year & the future to come. So here are 2 new & finished pieces, a WIP and a sketch from 2019 Ive never posted. Thanks for looking! & stop by anytime😉.

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HIYA! Pixxxel here! I hope yall didn't forget about me! but im finally back with my first piece of art since I went on hiatus. So what better way to re introduce my self by giving a drawing. Wish me luck and stick around for the journey✌️😉✨.

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"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" incarnate, but also like Hera, sweetie you damn well knew what Zeus was about. He already had like 5 plus other children not by you, yet the new side piece really grinded your gears 😒 okay miss thing🙄.

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Is me vs. animated me still happening?? Becauuuuse yea lol

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*cough* *ahem* some old artifacts for

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Wanted to share some old. The first is Okenite (geometric puffs)a gem that will for sure tell you about yourself & the lies you spout or try to keep hidden. Next is Samantha (red lady) she’s a fallen one who enjoys being an inventor & treasure hunter. Last is Cherry a megaman oc.

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Finally PSO2 is finally coming to the we’ve waited for so long for sooo long.

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