

Video games & embarassing myself~ Old irrelevant gamer. Prev - Dig,OpTic,IMT. @Gamersupps Code "PTERO" 🏳️‍🌈💍@sarinacsgo

フォロー数:2683 フォロワー数:65577

May I introduce you to the new Gorrul, my buff dwarf DnD character whomst I LOVE. Done by the insanely talented !!! I'm so happy. 🥺

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I'm so happy I get to be in 's Pokemon. 🥺

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And the oath is in the form of... a tattoo...

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I made an oath today with a big ol Ogre bitch, that I wouldn't reveal her home and she wouldn't attack a Dwarven city... and if we break that oath... we shit into one anothers mouth... Sorry Babylon...

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Also I was a Sango stan. We love her in this household. Kagome can go suck it.

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If I don't stream tonight... you know why...

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I commissioned two lovely artists and gave them creative freedom to make my DnD Gothic Dwarf Bard. I love the takes they took! Third one is MY drawing. :^) I'm the most talented artist clearly. 1st 2nd

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I give you... Zywooloo

Ty for this abomination

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