


Electrical #Engineer
Books & JRPGs/RPGs

Trails of Cold Steel 2

Lord of Chaos #WoT
LoTR: Two Towers

フォロー数:334 フォロワー数:182

Kokoro is my new favorite character in so far. Gimme that dark magiccccc

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But are Mandragora from pathfinder real 🤔

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Finally got my Goobby. Such glory, such prestige

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Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I don't!

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Here's a free sand golem statblock I premiered on my stream tonight. Converted over from 3.5e suffocation and all to 5e. Mechanics are a little janky but I think it works out well. Have fun!

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PSA regarding the default ZL+A wirebug move for Dual Swords IS A COUNTER ABILITY (and its freaking amazing). That will be all.

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I want to make a legendary version of a nagpa... because I love nagpas. I mean what is not to love about insane vulture archmages who constantly plot the ruin of civilization JUST so they can go dungeon delving into the rubble.

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Come check out the 5e D&D game I DM on twitch every Tuesday from 8->11PM EST at . Running Age of Worms (old 3.5e adventure) mainly and squishing in some other adventures such as Dungeon of the Mad Mage.

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