

Clobbers the hell out of timeclocks. Loves comics and its history.

フォロー数:1488 フォロワー数:2136

Steve Gerber is quickly rising in the ranks of my all time favorite writers. He knocks it out of the park again w/ this Elseworlds tale of a young Clark Kent rocketed to Krypton to avoid Earth's destruction. Doug Wheatley's widescreen art makes this story read like a good movie.

2 7

In this age of having a dozen variant covers for each issue, will we ever see a current cover become as iconic or make as much of an impact as the covers of old?

Is there anything in the last decade that comes close?

10 39

Man, I need to find these late-run Milestones sometime.

3 13

This week 20 years ago at Image Comics.

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