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Pupckh | ププクさんのイラストまとめ

Some shitty posts about anime and games.

フォロー数:36 フォロワー数:61

I'm just thinking
I thought is a good anime because it touches my feelings, but maybe it just exploits them. Anime doesn't have any straightforward plot. It just seems to try to make a viewer sad every time by using things which people usually feel pity about

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I still can't just sit down and play some games or even watch all of the ongoings due to exams. WHEN WILL IT BE OVER

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百鬼丸はとってもすごいです~( ̄▽ ̄)b

百鬼丸 | トキワミギリ https://t.co/cN5mu97hBb

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This dude just didn't know about snapchat

僕と僕の秘密 | Leno★ https://t.co/bNrsHHR3mP

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Ooh it's such a shame! Such a pain...
Even though sarazanmai is totally mad it sensitively appeals to my deep feelings.

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Aaahh don't have any time for anime again. Goddamn uni

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