

🎮Gamer since C64 | 🏆Achievement Huntress | 🐰Bunny Queen | 💖LEGO Fanatic | Banner by @night647

フォロー数:110 フォロワー数:296164

Been waiting for this game for a while. Can’t wait to try it tomorrow morning ^^

I’d play it today but I drove for 3hrs to bring a friend to the airport and I am way too tired 😴

4 290

Here's a hint for today's release on my pages for Fans Only:

"Nerf THESE!"

7 409

“You are thousands of KMs away from me, we have never seen each other nor we know each other and there are many others thinking this same thing”

0 14

Mother to her son: So what do you want for your birthday?
Son: I want a Futa!

3 181

We learn and adapt :P

Sauce: Joshikausei (pg-13)

43 534

Happy Holidays/Merry Xmas!

This time officially on the 25th ^^
Art by
Commissioned by

36 1003

I even have the perfect avatar for my potato account. Need to ask to add an headset XD

8 197

Oh I actually have a Kitten Sensei avatar for when I used to make trophy guides

3 66

