

| I like to draw stuff. Yes I'm horny. |

Discord: purewatera

フォロー数:476 フォロワー数:4943

Alright. New Icon lol. Took less than an hour, so I'm calling it a success.

2 10

Ok this is the last one I'm doing. Last sketch. I'm going to stop today, then plan a story or something to start tomorrow. :o

6 12

No reference for this one either, but god are black girls attractive.

This character design is probably one of my favs 🤤

5 37

Neek got caught out of position by the zac Lol.

Getting fucked harder than the adc has been for the past 3 years.

1 8

i DECIDED "No ref, for this one." BIG MISTAKE LOL I struggled with the head placement for like an hour. finally said fuck it and just drew 2 positions. ON TO THE NEXT ONE WUHAHAHA!!!

1 10

Alright . I drawed the next one xD

Learned from this one I need to google how maid outfits work. I wanted it to looked ripped cause i had no idea how to draw those curls.


3 18

Alright Guys. Here is the first one. Dawn, flat color. Ditto'd xD

Onto the second one!!!

3 10


Thoughts on the shading of her skin? You guys prefer this more? :p

5 32

I'm PROUD to release this next mini story. . . Called. . ?
"Close your Windows"

Lol I dunno. Oh well, here you guys go. Enjoy.
P.S. girls with that cut in the front hot af <3

6 38

I tried shading in blobs and it is easier to digest, also didn't use a reference lol. Still looks pretty good no ref xD

Well I'll be releasing daily of these now since I'm going to make more pages of that stuff u guys like so much. See u around :p

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