Pu'er Rageさんのプロフィール画像

Pu'er Rageさんのイラストまとめ

Milk acquired.
Togashi back. Berserk back. Kubo saving anime. Talking anime with other people who like talking anime is pretty cool. Dragon Ball is funny.

フォロー数:253 フォロワー数:1042

Exaggerating for the funny but he's living rent-free in Vegeta's head now

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People have pointed out similarities here and there between DBS Broly and the Granolah Arc, some of which are quite stark references. However, I'd go a step further: I think this arc is Toyotaro's "version" of the movie with a different premise.
Here's why.

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One thing I genuinely appreciate about Yamamuro's modern Goku designs is that he actually looks older than in the Buu Arc. Goku doesn't look exactly the same in his adult years, he ages slightly but noticeably. His RoF design is a great bridge between Buu and EoZ, even in the gi.

9 101

You think he's joking, but all Sasuke needs is one quote tweet to call Jiren friendless and Broly fatherless to have them like this. https://t.co/QlRRMnnxqy

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1/7th of the way through Bleach, just after Renji vs Byakuya.
Even if *somehow*, everything after Soul Society has no redeeming qualities, it's worth watching the anime for this arc alone.
Goodness gracious.

5 17

Gohan broke his arm and gave up on life.

Vegeta broke his arm and started crying.

Deku destroyed his arm and said "screw it Plus Ultra".

Who's y'all's MC? 😤

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