//=time() ?>
Gave it a darker BG since twitter doesn't like transparent ones 😣
D&D tonight
Get to play Sosona this time.
Lets hope all goes well better then last time 💜
@taxicabbandito Some more cause I want to give more loves 💜
@IketheNinja14 @paper_magnum @hoshinightmoon @rosieelfgirl @ArtofYorugami @NoodleLazer @Monsterking97 @RoSohryu @CanvasPirate @mad0av
@mad0av Umi my merfolk bard.
An awkward, sweet, music loving fish boi
@_BankArt @evamisstopia Thank you for the thread :)
Here are some of my latest pieces
@DeePeeArts Here are some of my more recent works :)
Hope you feel better 💜
@SephySnu Umi is my merfolk bard OC. He is a bit awkward but loves sharing his music.