

All Pronouns | Character Illustrator and Designer | NSFW Account: @SpiceTheya

フォロー数:1560 フォロワー数:928

Don't know who she is yet, but isn't she cute? ☺️ I'm also really proud of myself for doing a background, even if it's minimal.

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Look at this completely innocent goblin rogue!

Tapp (the best character) is played by and Valiant Effort is DMed by

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Happy April fool's , told me to make this btw. Your character is honestly pretty great and I really like the design.

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My art goal for 2020 is to be commissioned for D&D tokens. Yeah my life would be pretty much complete at that point... 😂

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Here's my earliest art I have, as I only really started in 2013 and to think I only started using a tablet a little under a year ago!

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