

If you're life was so great, you'd just be living it, not posting about it..

Fuck your crying, no one cares
@BadDogsCompany @MonsterAmong607

フォロー数:5730 フォロワー数:6042

So this is what we're doing today?....I love my Bad Dog

4 21

I don't know why you ask this...to hurt everyone else's feelings? You already know ...when you joining us?

9 28

We've got dope art, IP rights, diamond hands, a tight AF community 💪 and still growing...no bullshit application for WL, no "influencers".. open communication and member input for the future...sound good? is looking for you

34 69

Few projects and communities continue to grow and stay relevant... is one that continues to build and grow daily...no empty promises or missed deadlines..now's the time to build with us and be a part of the process

16 36

The more I see on my TL the more I want 👺👺👺

10 69

Steady holding a 1eth floor with a growing community in a bear, doesn't spread fud, doesn't throw mud and doesn't pull puds...art ☑️ community ☑️ progress ☑️

64 97