

🔞Sometimes nsfw 💙
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Trolls with huge arms
Truly a blessing

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I hope you enjoy my hunk.
He might become a baker one day with all that cake

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I'll toss in this himbo, Zendune. Just the first one I can think of.

Big arms, head empty. Not a care in the world and I love him.

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I'll throw him to start.

Too lazy to talk about him though, we all know who it is

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Not internet trolls, mind you.

I mean these suckers who live in my mind, trying to take up all of my attention.

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But you draw women so amazingly well.

I just think it's lovely

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I'm not a furry!

Big anthro bears:

*nervous sweating*
I... I'm... I'm not a... furry...

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Are we doing this now? Just sharing trolls like beads in a voodoo circle?

Fun, I love seeing all the different kinds of trolls.

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It's big boi hours, as per usual

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