

Frances | she/her | SCAD SeqA 2018 | Find me on tumblr or bsky instead. Same @

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Here's some fabulous Lou art by some PALS so this doesn't end on a lackluster note


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29. Greatest regret: Letting the Beggar King swindle them out of their face/powers in exchange for not really much of use, and their whole life falling to pieces as a result. Incidentally this is also my greatest regret as a player

(last one by !)

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23. Enemies: LOTS... At the moment, their biggest concern is a Spirit Warden called Hart. She's been personally investigating what the hell Lou even is, and if she ever nabs them it's going to go poorly. for them

There was also Lucretia, but Lou fed her to their mom

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21. Thoughts about gold?


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19: Love life: They're in a loving poly relationship with two of their crewmates, Cookie and Dom

They used to sleep around a lot, but have since stopped wanting to now that they've discovered TRUE WUV and MUTUAL DEVOTION and FEELINGS

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16. Parents: Lou has no idea. They either died or just abandoned Lou as a toddler, so Lou isn't really interested in finding out more.

They do, however, have a mother figure in Aphotis. Who is a goddess. Maybe not the smartest thing to maternally bond to

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12: Hobbies: Sewing for fun! And if they can afford it or sneak in, Lou's also a sucker for opera

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7. Friendships: Lou isn't very good at this. Surprise, lack of empathy and excess of emotional barriers tends to do that!

But right now, they have the rest of the crew, their two datefriends, a butcher smuggler named Chop, and a moth who wants to eat their eyes

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6. Clothing. WELL. I answered this on the "look" one so how about I talk about their flesh instead

Cute, intentionally innocent looking until they're not, really a lot of hair, and a lot of suspicious and hard-earned scars. Occasional tendency to melt

(pic 1 by )

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Personality: Curious, driven, secretive, a little bit awkward. Compulsive liar and tends to jump to inventing a personality rather than get caught, but slowly breaking that habit (thanks in part to Dom's truth sense) self-preserving but not cowardly, struggles with empathy

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