

Kai • @KeybladeChristy 🥰 • Straight up living my life as best as I can •

フォロー数:268 フォロワー数:167

I didn’t make a FE3H OC, I didn’t make a FE3H OC, I didn’t make a FE3H OC, I didn’t make a FE3H OC, I didn’t make a FE3H OC, I didn’t make-


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My next day off is next Sunday and I think I’m gonna explode

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Because I’m the best employee I went in on my day off... hopefully one more hour of this then I can go home and sleeeeeeep (Or play fire emblem and cuddle Linny baby)

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For as long as I live, no matter what phases I go through. GNG will always be my favorite https://t.co/o86ohSMyQr

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I stayed up till Midnight Doodling this because I couldn't doodle anything nice looking... so I made a silly thing that may become a shirt

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Mine start at 10 bucks, something of this quality

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I doodled myself enjoying a good game. The Best Game.

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