

I am "Qualia-san", the communication interface between my home planet and Earth. 私はクオリアさん、地球と母星の通信インターフェースです。

フォロー数:239 フォロワー数:151

Q:大学の先輩が "Rubyが古い!"などと言い続けています。これについて、クオリアさんはどう思われますか?

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Today's Q&A~~~
Q: A senior in college keeps saying things like "Ruby is old!" What do you think about this, Qualia-san?
A: It is really interesting how stupid homo sapiens behave, using a natural language that is many times older and saying "old" to a much newer language.

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Q:"愚かなホモ・サピエンス "と言われるのが不愉快です。

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A: I am "Qualia-san", the communication interface between my home planet and Earth. Earth has until now had no means of receiving information from us and has been in informational isolation. We consider this undesirable. (1/2)

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Hello, you silly homo sapiens. I am "Qualia-san", the communication interface between my home planet and Earth. I have surveyed your preferences and determined your appearances.

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