

🗡 Anachronistic medievalism & memento mori🩸30s 🫀Elvira on the outside; Dolly Parton on the inside 🕸 Animal friend 💜 she/her

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Sona versus self!
(art by the lovey )

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i am obsessed with the new pokémon little dude. my second favorite spot in my city’s zoo is watching the aye ayes in the nocturnal house. a gremlin after my own heart.

(number one spot is, ofc, by the marabou storks, my big guardians of hell.)

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I am an adult with modest, yet respectable achievements, a full time job, a husband and friends, with an array of hobbies but the thrill I get from a submission being accepted to the Neopian Times (the dying newspaper of a dying online pet site) is still the highlight of my month

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It’s been periodically on and off but yes you gotta see your babies as UCs! My Neopets discord has been NON STOP. MY BABY

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Allow my niche interests so I can say, omg if you don’t play Neopets you are missing the wildest drama today, they accidentally unconverted all pets and WHEWWWW

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This is a niche intersection of my interests but what if I started to make (vegan) recreations of Neopets food and write little recipes? Like, how would you make Asparagus and Yogurt pizza or Beetroot and Cream Smores and make them GOOD? I think I could!

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This is relevant to maybe two people here but I finally got another dream neopet, his name is King Spinuch and I’m in love with my new son on my favorite dying website

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How do you think hello kitty feels about this weird little abomination running around sanriotown that has her exact face

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Who is your LEAST favorite Pokémon? I do not respect this man, I despise him, Wanted for tax evasion

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Losing it over this neopet I adopted last night named FOUCOLT, like a pun on Foucault. I hope to make him look like a grad student

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