

ENG/GER OK | 20 | INTJ | Black Clover | CEO of Charlotte Roselei | YamiChar | 🌈🦋 | VerKir | OP rts | KnY | artist 🎨 (do not repost)

フォロー数:947 フォロワー数:1652

Gotta do my roots later

0 5

The illustrations in the Shinobu novel are just pages from the chapters we already know. I was hoping for new Douma

0 4

I won't explain this any further

0 10

Can we talk about how large Yami is compared to her?

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Another Excalibur cock Yami

0 7

Tiny feet
Also I need to see what the long part of his hair is gonna look like in the anime

0 6

He's so gorgeous I can't even 😭😭😭

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