

27 ♀ | korean-american | 18+ sometimes | pfp by @sheepiu

フォロー数:299 フォロワー数:1108

He's like the goodest boy. He's doing his best not to lead her on or break her heart while also not stunting her ability to love other people who might come into her life. He just wants her to be happy and he is the GOODEST for that!!!

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He's all like

"I just want her to be happy. If that means being with me, that's cool. If that's with someone else, that's also cool. But since nobody knows if Mister Right is out there somewhere, it doesn't hurt for me to wait to return those feelings."

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He's a massive doofus sheepdog that protects Vanilla and who she has a crush on.

The twist is that he is very emotionally mature, supportive, and not clingy or suppressive at all despite having to take care of her by himself. He'll let her make mistakes and get into trouble.

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I just want to get his rubabble tummy drawn why tf is finding someone who can draw handsome men and women so hard.

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Had this happen before.

Once for the boobs, another for other, obvious reasons.

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I found it cute that we ended up near the same place with friends for our sheep.

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She is the queen of fluffiness

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