

23 | 🇺🇸 | Artist & Writer | INSTA: instagram.com/queens_of_yore… | Creature Smorgasbord

フォロー数:368 フォロワー数:32

“Dragon Mountain”
Those who gaze upon the peak desire to conquer its summit, but only the wise reign in their courage. The wyrms claim anyone who steps foot in their heavenly home…

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“All Hallows’ Moon”
Another werewolf for spooky season, crossing picked pumpkin patch under a harvest moon. Stay safe and have fun everyone~

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“Rain at the Warrior Stone”
My Skyrim character, Aghamora, in her werewolf form sheltering from a downpour at the warrior stone…

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“Ddraig Wen slain by Ddraig Goch”

My take on Welsh lore, in which was added the sword and green blood. I’ve always loved the tale of the fighting wyrms~

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“Coyote creates the universe…”

No particular story does this piece illustrate . Just one of many coyote tribute artworks to come~

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“Green Griffin”

Test doodle based of the emblem of my grandmothers griffin mug, trying out new brushes~

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“Fighting Drake”

He’ll beat you in a beat-down!!!

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“Red Rapter”

An alien race I created at work. This race consist of large, bipedal dinosauroids resembling raptors. Sexually dimorphic, with males smaller and more colorful than females…

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A character who’s come up in my mind recently-maybe he’s a son to another black wyrm I saw in a dream? I think I’ll name this guy however Sloan…

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“X is for Xatu”

Trying to predict when an eclipse is about to start is one of this bird Pokémon’s great skills. Ancient people often venerated them for their advanced astrological capabilities.

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