

フォロー数:922 フォロワー数:2412

Shizuka is doing okay he got home and started writing letters and I don’t know to whom.

I hope they are to me though!!

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I have been raising a frog child I’d like you guys to meet him his name is Shizuka and he likes to travel and make friends and his favorite snack is onigiris. 🐸

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The mighty god ride his valiant steed to the top of the mountain, raised his hammer high into the air and called out “I AM THOR!”

His horse turned around and said, “You forgot your thaddle, thilly.”

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Shout out to the people wondering what the opposite of in is!

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I could’ve told the joke with a Sombra twist but I missed my chance...

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Yes! I believe they added figuratively as a definition of literally in the dictionary, so, quite literally!

At least 5% literally.

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RIP NV & IMT we’re all Overwatch teams now.

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My first time making an American breakfast 😌

Turkey bacon is good! I hope everyone has an amazing Monday.

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it’s supposed to be sad!!

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