

✨23 (She/Her)✨ Lol this is pretty much an account where I post my art stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

フォロー数:95 フォロワー数:11350

Cherry Blossom Cookie Sweetest Picnic 🌸🍪 🧺

3 27

Human Rainbow Dash 🌈🌩💙

12 95

You forgot to bring your umbrella but don’t worry your bestie Sun who happens to be a celestial deity gotchu 👌

94 1093

2022 Art Summary!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

5 46

I got to many favourites it’s hard for me to pick cause I got a lot 😭 but if I had to choose it‘d have to be these ones

4 62

Wachowski Family Photo (=^ ▽ ^=)

192 784

Shadow Queen Peach 👑💜

21 88