

Vexi (Or Gemma) / 29 / UK 🦊

Icon drawn by @Kitchiki
Banner drawn by @skymagpieart

フォロー数:265 フォロワー数:416

me tormenting maria with server icon shenannigans

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patch notes: updated model of fluctus nox's daedric lich form. unbeknownest to fluctus when when bal turns him into a lich as asked he's actually slowly turning to a Daedroth too and only realises when it's kind of too late and it then ties into corncobs eso story

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WIP but here's little corncob with his pre-daedric lich father, fluctus nox. some info on corn's dad in the thread below:

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what is a child?? a small man?? i can't draw kids and i can't draw a shitty dad who isn't tiberius

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me: i should draw ebony more


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Cornelius + Kangal
Brave, loyal. Very protective and a guardian dog that will fight off wolves. Which is also the DBs signature animal so the symbolism works out as corncob kills assassins.

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Sketchy ref of my argonian From-Dead-Seas! He's a former pact lieutenant turned lone necromancer after seeing a imperial zero dude and being like 'Actually. I want a daedric army instead like that guy,' and tries killing said Legion zero...doesn't end too well for Seas.

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Have had some art block lately. Take some little headshot doodles of my breton bastard galen

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some little concept sketches of my db pair. Ears. I am All About ears even the Imperial has big ears.

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