

Vexi (Or Gemma) / 29 / UK 🦊

Icon drawn by @Kitchiki
Banner drawn by @skymagpieart

フォロー数:265 フォロワー数:416

i keep doodling viatrix with cute rounded ears :/ here she is wantin to play with cornelius

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and a quick dark version for spoop eyes

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i intend to redraw this but....Azinna and Bagnus...

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the closest i could get was this terrible wikihow img king fkss

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"Her favourite book is 'Brief History of the Empire, Book IV'" - Cornelius Nox, on his pet Welwa, Viatrix Nox.

I love welwas. I love the welwa pet gave us. Praying one day we'll get a mount!!!

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"No pets allowed in The Winking Skeever?' Probably wasn't worth our time anyway, Viatrix."

Cornlieus Nox (Corncob), captain of the Penitus Oculatus and the lovely Viatrix Quintina Nox...The welwa. Whom Corncob loves dearly :/

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doodle of my imperial DK /sitchair-ing while waiting to get into a dungeon

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Divayth Fyr's outfit was on sale today on

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Rex from Fallout: New Vegas! He's worth the horrible trek to Jacob's Town.

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