

Anime & Podcast Producer | Editor | Creative Director for Lunatic Moon

フォロー数:262 フォロワー数:67315

hes coming back and theres nothin u can do

0 5

infested syandana from nightwave series 2

7 190

What if Sonic Movie is actually Robotnik origin-focused story and Sonic is an ugly freak because we supposed to hate him and side with eggman

200 1357

yeah my famous bra-glasses

0 8

wow thats a good start
microtransactions aside, apparently pc version is beyond abysmal - filled with crashes, bugs, fps drops and doesn't even start for some people

40 438

got to 45000 followers on twitch
good work nerds

20 806

special keyboard designed for hildryn mains, 1 key for walking forward, 1 key for spamming pillage

36 627