

Ret.(disabled)Contractor, ex-LEO (1stResponder)

フォロー数:1138 フォロワー数:1049

It’s wonderful to see that is still as gorgeous, or actually getting more gorgeous! Time is definitely her friend or she’s found Ponce’ de Leon’s fountain🎬🎭👏🏻

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That person who doesn’t really contribute to the groups project but gets all the accolades w/pay grade raise & comp. benefits package😐😑😡🤬

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The only way this year can get any better now that is back will be when returns as well!

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Fuck yeah!! NIBBLE ON THAT!! What a bunch of douche bags...

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ALL A BOAARRD🚂 boarding the Ztrain &the exact moment Zombijuana wakes your insane in the brain ass up!!

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34/35 RPR COM: hellion x4-1; hellion x1+2bogeys; begin assault hellion x3...

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hey that's Sterling Archer!! I knew codename: "Duchess" was a subtle hint!

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How you like me now, brown hat on black brow?!?

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