

Game developer and a small publisher.…

フォロー数:217 フォロワー数:2335

Here goes Steam Summer Sale!

is 60% off for this period!

1 10

Now our phobia can take "I'm-alright-potion" to become invisible for Max's inner view and to go deeper into his consciousness.

5 17

It's been a while since I posted some gifs from Wait a little longer - I've got something to show! But for now I'm gonna show you another art for Lady Depression. When I designed her, I thought a lot about her dress. But finally decided: why should I draw a dress?

1 8

To be late at the school is an objective fear. As we play as a phobia - it's our work to fight with objective fears!

3 11

I spent some time fixing the bugs with this animation because there are several parts of the bird, but finally everything is fine!

1 7

Hey! I'm leaving my working place till 17th of June - so I won't be able to reply to all the messages in here. But still feel free to write - soon I'll come back:) After all these months of working I really NEEED a vacation. See ya soon!

0 8

When you've got a high level - even these mobs are not the problem

3 10

If the situation goes out of control - you can always run away!

9 16

Water is dangerous for everybody who cannot swim!

4 7