

Twitch Partner! Partnered with @ADVANCEDgg @gamergoo Business email is [email protected]

フォロー数:1553 フォロワー数:6044

I ammm sooo thankful for you You run with my crazy chats ideas and mine and you always deliver! I give yall Angry weasel and then Oscar wiener and then Me the Evil Bloody Queen! NAILED IT!

4 44

If you get unfollowed or unliked for being honest! So be it! Weed them out! Focus on you! Head up and shine!!!

8 106

Since I started a long time ago! has been so awesome to me and so supportive! It's nice when you have a partnership with a company who goes out of thier way for your community! Thank you guys! If your not following them you should be! They are the real deal!

1 23