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Had a bit of a time crunch on this one, but I luckily managed to whip up this special little something up with Maru's brand new hairstyle, just in time for our own 's 31st big one!

Here's to a new year, a new you, a new 'Ru and a new 'do!

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Hopefully coming back to delivering actual content on an at least remotely consistent basis, allow me to start the new year and a new decade by introducing an old friend with a new look!
Everyone please give a warm welcome to Slushie!

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Something slightly leaked in one of my previous posts, here's what started as a silly sketch and grew into a nifty paintbrush test.
Very happy with how subtly Kiki's design has changed to become easier for me to draw. Now to continue drawing this orca like there's no tomorrow!

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Got you covered!
Assuming 70px is the height of the average person in the shot, I made mine about 140px for scale's sake.

It's a little rough but hopefully it'll do the trick. Let me know if you'd like me to change anything about it!

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Since a lot of my concerns were helping her blend with the other characters in the series, part of what really helped the design process was using other similar cetaceans for reference.

(↖️Dolly, ↗️ Bubba, ↙️ Aura,↘️Sassuma Arnaa; first three are all designed by )

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As a sort of previously unreleased conclusion to some of my posts from a while back, I'm happy to publicize what's more or less Kiki's new design!

Changes are stupidly subtle but they helped boatloads in making her into a proper RQM character. Hope you all like the new look!

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(pay no mind to the squid fella on top, haha)
Art credit to !

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Yo, this sounds awesome, count me in!! If nobody minds, I'll be calling dibs on Ant Man!

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It's still 's birthday somewhere, so here's wishing him a good one!

Guest starring a special lil' human version of Onyx he did for my birthday way back and my personal favorite tentacle gremlin Des. Enjoy!

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