Rowdy Geirssonさんのプロフィール画像

Rowdy Geirssonさんのイラストまとめ

Promoting Leif Eriksson awareness and failing / Atrocities of the written word scattered around the world wound web / The Impudent Edda & #WyrdWednesday…

フォロー数:2105 フォロワー数:3325

Ynglinga Saga is the first section of Snorri Sturluson’s Heimskringla and it tells the legendary history of the ancient kings of Sweden, tracing their origins back to the gods themselves. 🖼 Hugo Hamilton

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Great tales have been told of the highly bearish Bödvar Bjarki for hundreds of years. He and Beowulf both had connections to Götaland and might originally have been kin or even one and the same. 🖼 Louis Moe

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Puffin Carcass is an imprint based in Norumbega, Vinland.

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Which world-famous author of the Norse myths would you rather host at dinner: Saxo Grammaticus or Snorri Sturluson, and why?

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It is not clear why The Impudent Edda depicts the dwarves as a bunch of diminutive, hostile bikers distributed among an indeterminate number of rival gangs, but one influence could be the far-ranging impact of The Great Nordic Biker War.

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”Troll” is so versatile in Swedish. It forms the basis of many exciting words & lends itself to George Carlin style usage-of-the-word-troll phrases such as:
”Den trollkunniga trollkarlen trollade fram den förtrollande trollen med trolldom och stor trollkraft!”

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That steady old Väinämöinen sure plays a mean kantele

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The primordial bovine, Auðumbla, gave ”birth” to Odin’s grandpa by slurping away at his salty rimfrost womb. Also, the original frost giant, Ymir, guzzled her frothy milk straight from the teat in order to grow big and strong.

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My undying passion for the study of reanimated medieval corpses in the culturally Swedish Åland Island region of Finland has not led me to fame and fortune but rather to a filthy puddle behind a dumpster.

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