

Canary-RJ😋 Collector, Animator, and Game Designer. Occupation: Animator/Illustrator
Sidelines: Animator Freelance, Game developer.

Portfolio link below.

フォロー数:70 フォロワー数:761
# anime

NEW 20th Anni Characters:: U P D A T E ! ! ! ! ! !
CNRSRJ-Acelite or CanarisaRJ
CA - Canary Fenicalm (Long Black)
NA - Natona Miragashi (Shoulder bob brown)
RI - Risaya Chirari (Wavy long GoldenChestnut)
SA - Sayumi Akami (Wavy Medium Blonde)
RJ - RJ (Black hair)

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Just in case if you don't know how looks like back in the day and how it evolves into what we have now.

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As an animator... it sadden me that Isao Takahata has passed away.
Biggest stepping stone inspiration of my career.
“If today’s no good, you’ll have tomorrow.
If tomorrow’s no good, you’ll have the next day.”
― Only Yesterday (Isao Takahata 1935-2018)

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ニンフィア: 「フィフィアー!!!」\(^ヮ^)/
Ninfia: Fi Fiaa!!! \(^ヮ^)/

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Goromi-chan is my favorite hostess.
Goromichan - SEGA

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The lifesize 1:1 ニンフィア Sylveon 100cm will be released when I get into Japan. There's online preorders but I can get her physically. 😍

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haha it is photo editing as described xD it's actually something me and my bestfriend had been doing fanart. This time it's doll cosplay.

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ナナミミちゃん \(^▽^)/ 彼女は幸せだ ଲ(ⓛ ω ⓛ)ଲ
☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)chu 彼女はたくさん食べるのが好きです。(❤ω❤)

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