

Hi my name is Will and I like making pictures #bookofspook, #haunted_collective, #inventedmonster, #monstererfinden, #kleinekunstklasse

フォロー数:547 フォロワー数:498

99… Bumfus has just invented the first Self-Abusing Selfie-stick! It was a pain in the a$$ but his perseverance paid off 🤔
Thanks for hosting 😀

7 25

After Dan gifted Phil a new jumper, he was hoping his from last year still fitted..
this is for the 1st from and
and a sequel to last years jumper pic!

10 21

Fool Phil once shame on you..
managed to make a new illo and a sequel to boot for by
Again St.Nicholas for 6 but also 4.Cookie and 3. Gifts

5 12

Hi thank you for the translation and thanks and the Alternative Advent.
I have this from last year which may fit no.6 St.Nicholas

5 20

The box is open!
Phil has been given an early present 🎁 and it’s in his favourite colours of this weeks prompt!
I hope Dan can find his by the 16th 🤔

5 17

Quick recap of last years

11 28

Still on the catch up train.. here is a Belted Galloway for the breeds round of

9 40

Invented monster prompt 61: Sporty from
Here’s a Bobbus Charlton. Always has an eye on the ball. Identifiable by the fact one side of the hair grows longer for that must have “comb-over” 😀

7 30