

Fan account for Kim Namjoon @BTS_twt || @RMPICS_twt’s backup account

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I felt that “DANGEROUS” in my soul

60 286

I think we are all a lil bit ill too… 😍😍

100 513

🐥When I think about everything
I’ve done for the members... All
of it came from a desire to smile
w/them, enjoy their company &
be happy w/them. It’s not just
that they’re like family. It’s not
just smthing u can feel from
spending time tgther.


123 543

+ 🐨 the best direction to take. It’s
not like I’m building experience as
a solo artist. The members of our
group, as well as the staff and our
company are all involved. It’s not
about the work of one individual. +

42 333

🐥 namjoon hyung told me smth
that made me stop&think. he said
he’d hear himself talk&that made
him more aware of what he said.
that’s how I feel. this tour is a
way to find my meaning in life.

Jimin looks up to Joon so much,
so heartwarming 🥺

188 732

🐨Will we get to try it (trivia
love hologram) later?
👤Yes, later
🐨Okay, okay...
🐿Haven’t u rehearsed yet?
🐨I have but they said I can’t use
the equipment until after sundown
🐿You have to do it again after?
🐨I’m not sure... I guess so

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