

22 | Male | Straight | Single | British | SFW fat/weight gain/inflation art | Autistic | Artist | Requests (closed!) | Profile logo by Spookhorse

フォロー数:2020 フォロワー数:918

Both Sylvia and Miah went to a burger restaurant together, as they both became really good friends, and they both ended up eating all the food there! They're very satisfied with their feasts, and their stuffed bellies prove they loved it! Gift for and .

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Kitty appears to of had some magic mishaps, resulting in her casting a spell that caused her to gain a lot of weight! She may not have a reverse spell for this issue, so she may have to live with being fat for a while! Gift for .

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Here, Scarlet has been plumpified by an unusual potion, crafted with special ingredients by a mysterious magically enhanced figure... Gift for

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Oblivion is heavily satisfied with being really fat now, all thanks to that new diet of fattening burgers and pizzas she was given by a close friend! Requested by

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Penelope's gone and gained hefty amount of weight so she can win more basketball game tournaments with her extra fat being used to slam the opposition! Requested by JeremyHd1 on DeviantArt and Instagram.

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Whisper is feeling very proud of gaining an extreme amount of weight, and she hopes to show her girlfriend how cute and pudgy she is now!

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Zatorux has finally reached her ultimate weight gain goal, and is also wearing specially modified new clothing with dark grey accents! She's a bit worried that she may not be fat enough yet, but we'll see how she goes.. Gift for Zatorux on DeviantArt.

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Lois took advice from her daughter, Meg, and decided to gain an extensive amount of weight to see how it feels after 16 long years since she first got really fat!

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Margaret has been caught pigging out on someone's "secret stash" of highly addictive chocolate sweets, and her belly has bloated tremendously, but she's very pleased with the result!

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Lola's sudden hugely expansive weight gain remains a mystery, due to how she even got so thicc and plump after she took a break from her last basketball game!

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