

Don't mind me, I'm just a lurking artist || Discord: send a DM – mutuals only!

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This Horned King concept art has the same vibes as Jessica and Roger Rabbit, but with creepiness instead of sexiness…

… and I love it. 🖤

I need to design OCs just like that. :3c

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The Order of no Quarter’s tallest and shortest ladies. Big or small, I love them all! 💖

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A bit farfetched but I headcanon Drill Knight as King Knight’s missing dad. I mean, King spins like a drill in one of his attacks and Drill’s criminal status would explain why he isn’t in the picture. Oh, and his helmet looks like a crown too!

Drill Knight = Dad Knight


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So, this is how it went, right? 😂

Original comic by @/blobbynfriends

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I haven’t given the lineart and base to the background characters yet and I’m already thinking about how to color/paint all of this.

Ayy, I shouldn’t rush but I feel so slow… and I want to get to the fun part! The shading!! 🤩🤩

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I must admit that I started shipping Black Hat/Gold Heart as some sort of joke: "how would BH make Flug’s life even more miserable? Oh yeah, by smooching his enemy." But then I realized, BH has a button, in his office, that summons a MASSIVE screen with Goldheart’s pic on it… 😂

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