

Square Enix & Monolithsoft JRPGs news, musings and music. No moogles or nopon were harmed in the creation of this account. Probably.

フォロー数:2207 フォロワー数:4971
# ffxv

Episode Ignis Key Art

70 102

Another new FFXII artwork

13 25

When Ignis comes up with a new recipe

63 94

A love story in 4 parts

85 91

Episode Gladiolus will be 1.5/2 hours in length. Unlocks additional modes and rewards. Contains teaser trailer for Episode Prompto.

59 85

Gladiolus - Galdioluslus - Gladiolusluslus

5 14

Final Fantasy XV's Episode Gladio will be 4.99. Official description and art:

191 179

The date continues. Noct couldn't resist to get his fishing rod out.

47 118