

Complete RPG Coverage. Period.

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Today is the fifth anniversary of Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth's western release on PS4 and Vita. The second part in a duology with Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception, the visual novel/tactical RPG hybrid picks up where its predecessor left off.

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The World Ends with You debuted in Japan 15 years ago today. The DS title, which later hit mobile and Switch, sees Neku participating in the Reapers' Game in an alternate existential plane in Shibuya. Its sequel, Neo: The World Ends With You, released last year.

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Today is the tenth anniversary in Japan for Fire Emblem: Awakening. Players control a customised tactician who joins Prince Chrom's army to defend Ylisse from the Risen and the hostile nation of Plegia. The first entry on 3DS, its success brought about the series' revival.

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Fuga: Melodies of Steel Launching in July https://t.co/781pD0rCDj

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Bravely Default II Gets Final Trailer Before Release https://t.co/Qbgrpx2WE1

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ICYMI: We have a big feature on where's the best place to jump into the Ys series! If you wanna test the waters before Ys IX arrives in a few weeks on PS4, we have a trio of suggestions -- plus info on the full series: https://t.co/s77ZCUcfsW

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Romancing SaGa 3 Highlights Its Characters https://t.co/n1V2xmsBAc

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