

I love cartoons and games.

フォロー数:14 フォロワー数:123

These girls really needed some sleep.

0 4

That's actually so true, because a lot of spoilers are trending on Twitter. 🤣😅

2 361

Lofi Girl reference?!?!😦😦😦

8 620

What.. Is.. This.. Feeling??? 😳

20 1235

Window 98!, Anime Mode Activate, and a reference?

13 527

I was happy and now I'm very sad. I gonna cry in my sleep now. 😢 RIP FlapJack. 😭

8 349

Here we go again. I Like Hunter's realization and blushing and the trio on the "Caught 4k" Express.

10 477

She very proud of it! 😅😂

11 908