Sanallite Forever!
another acc @R_Yong1990

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Daily Head Pat for Sana! Day 18! Yatagarasu want to Pat Sana too~! (I tried pixel dot doodle this time.)

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Sanananana! Congratulations for get the EGG again! Both of you are soooooo cute! I'm sooo happy for you!Thanks for the great stream today!😊

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sometimes we feel frustrations and sad, but in that moment we shall never give up, we keep moving forward to the goal!💪

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Daily Head Pat for Sana! Day 11! San just like a sweet dream that you never forget, and in that dream, I head pad him.#holoMinistry

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It's first time in my life I draw a boy. San is too cute and he took my first time😳🚀

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Daily Head Pat for Sana! Day 10! I use finger to draw this, which means I'm patting Sana while drawing Sana while patting Sana while drawing Sana while patting Sanananana !!

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