Rachel SV Parry (Artist, Gallery Curator)さんのプロフィール画像

Rachel SV Parry (Artist, Gallery Curator)さんのイラストまとめ

A combination of my own paintings and Gallery 222 updates.

フォロー数:296 フォロワー数:1589

Some of my work, inspired to share by looking at the weather outside. You have weather-related art? Please share!

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As an artist, nothing excites me more than an achievable dream. Can't wait!

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"...you have one thing that's unique. You have the ability to make art. And for me, and for so many of the people I have known, that's been a lifesaver. The ultimate lifesaver. It gets you through good times and it gets you through other ones." , Art Matters.

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Again... I painted this nod to Animal Farm just after the midnight notwithstanding assembly... Very few people notice he's wearing a seal-skin suit...

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In Canada, we smirk about our healthcare system, under the pretense that it's not a fragile thing to be carefully maintained.
We asked for UBI, and instead, they're just making MAiD available to impoverished, disabled people. Planning my next political piece with these vibes:

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“No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?”
― George Orwell, Animal Farm

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I'm a painter, so probably not a good fit for a comic, but I'll share my work anyway. Why not? 🙂

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