

Comics person (she\her) | sketches, personal, illustrations | La Moïra 1-2 @glenatBD Les Mythics 14,19 @delcourtBD Lockwood &co. @ruedesevresBD

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So I'm in a cozy discord book club who every year organizes a secret santa. My secret santa for this year was Liz who asked for some Lockwood fluff. Not very seasonal but merry Christmas everyone!

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Doodling and testing things while listening at stuff.

1 44

After MONTHS yesterday i was finally chill enough to resume my night time reading :) Today I had a little fun exploring a design of the tiger demon from Unravel The Dusk.

14 94

Why i always begin sketch threads than i lose the thread? Btw this is a doodle inspired to a Bartiseq discussion i had with Maddie (not on twitter) about Nath being in denial of his hot coworker being a werewolvess...

4 45

That's probably not the ship you hoped for, but it's to show that I DO hear your cries. I'm just busy af with NDA stuff. Hope to come back sharing fanarty content soon.

8 64

Two possible layouts for the same pic! I love sketching this way. Two characters and a parasol.

16 153

Warm up! Which jump it is? Hard to say they're basically grasshoppers.

1 19

It was brought to my attention that the Lucy faces I draw are basically my pets.

2 37

Apparently my oldest tweets have disappeared?
Wanted to retweet this thing, because...mood.
Was done under s wise supervision and inspired to Bartimaeus'characters.

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