

●马来西亚🇲🇾Malaysian Cosplayer || 19 || Genshin / ZZZ / HSR / IdentityV / Link Click / WuWa ❤ OTPs : ❄🔥❄, 💧🔶️💧 + VynRosa 💕 爷琐死了,钥匙我吃了 (Oshi : 阿萨Aza🐱)

フォロー数:410 フォロワー数:6882

莫然Ray (MoranRay) CN VA new Vtuber outift looks SO DAMN GOODDDD!!!!!✨✨

I love it so much 😭💖💖❤❤❤🙏

The expressions are so goddamn adorable my heart QwQ💘💘

Full showcase : https://t.co/AsGYEH7FJK

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CN VA! 邓宥希(Deng YouXi)❤ Born on Nov 15th 1998.
💖Other Works:
-Yuki Shibayama,others《Haikyuu》
-Kiyoshi《Kimetsu no Yaiba》

●He's mostly voiced NPCS/side characters. He also voiced side characters in audio dramas e.g:

-Husky & His Dumb Cat Shizun S1 & S2

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Dehya's CN VA, 陈雨(ChenYu)!❤💖 Born on August 3rd 1999~

●Works in the same VA studio as Diluc, Shenhe/Cloud Retainer, Xinyan CN VA etc etc.

💖Other Works:
-Soldier 11《Zenless Zone Zero》
-Nidhana《Final Fantasy 14》
-Charlotte《King Of Glory》
-Lan《Tower of Fantasy》

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A new Original Song!!! And it's actually sung by Opera VA!! 杨杨 (YangYang)!!!

I haven't listened to it fully! But it's basically an opera about Zhongli!
【【杨扬/京歌】钟离贺岁大戏「千秋契月」原神cv原创曲/云堇-哔哩哔哩】 https://t.co/2NoIMc5hWz

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Official CN VAs singing!!!!!!!

(Dunyarzad CN VA also voices Rosaria btw)

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Kana just confirmed this on stream

But the kid from Scara/Wanderer's Teaser is voiced by 林簌 (LinSu). Who also voices Jean & Ganyu!

And who happens to be one of the voice directors along side Zhongli/Dvalin/Cyrus's CN VA

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Personally, it's these 2 for me-
(Chinese VAs)

Well I guess it's more shocking than funny but still xD https://t.co/aJ1hT1sCf0

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Hoshimi Miyabi from Hoyoverse's upcoming game 《Zenless Zone Zero》's CN VA is 杜冥鸦 (Du MingYa)! 💗💗

Who is also the VA for Yae Miko & Ningguang 《Genshin Impact》and Yae Sakura 《Honkai Impact 3rd》

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Eula's CN VA read her birthday letter~~

【【优菈生日读信】总之,别让我等太久】 https://t.co/kwyCb0HmMl

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